Sunday, September 30, 2007

STUDIO FINAL:research and exploration

Since it was the trees that first led me to the idea of artificial filtration, I used the branches and leaves as abstract ideas to layout the floors and the facade. The central core is cut across by various branches of circulation opening up to the sales floor with it's various filtering elements and than finally to the facade where the final phase of filtering happens before opening up to the wide expanse of the city. The idea of leaves creates the abstract shapes that break through the steel panels on the facade. The entire building opens up the top and outer most edges. After analyzing various ways to apply this idea of filtration, I came up with a list of elements that would be able to provide the desired effect. The facade itself is made up of a glass curtain wall and steel panels. The placement of the panels on the facade will allow various elements to be filtered out or exposed. The circulation is another important aspect. The stairs are floating in the space allowing light to pass right through. The circulation all takes place in the central core of the building which also is differentiated by different material. The floor here is semi-transparent. Through out the various spaces, flexible partions work to divide products, provide privacy or display product information. These can be moved as needs change. The art gallery and technology store both have their various products on display which also act as a filter of light and of people. Through much research and exploration, filtration has been applied through out the building using a multitude of forms to allow a unique experience each time you visit.

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